

Our duo began during our time touring together as soloists with Cavalia's Odysseo in 2016.

The original act made its premier at the 2017 Young Stage Festival in Basel, Switzerland and was awarded an engagement with Circus Roncalli. 

Our act has gone on to perform with multiple international festivals and companies such as Cirque du Soleil, 45 Degrees, Circus Roncalli, Viva Fest Las Vegas, Strut & Fret Productions & The Box SOHO. The act also receive a silver medal at the 2019 Wuqiao International Circus Festival in Wuqiao, China.

Currently: …

"Very prepared, in perfect mastery of their art - whose bodies intertwine on the hoop..." - CBC Canada



Originally from Calgary, Canada - Spencer began circus at age 6. Moving through contortion, hand balancing, & juggling before finding aerial hoop. From 2011 - 2012 Spencer moved to Montréal to train at École Nationale de Cirque with coaches Meaghan Wegg and Victor Fomine. He has performed his solo hoop and straps numbers with Strut & Fret Productions, National Circus Festival of Ireland, Varieté Spektakel and GOP Varieté.



Originally from Saint Paul, Minnesota - Caitlin grew up studying ballet, violin and circus arts. She spent 8 years training pre-professionally with Circus Juventas and studied dance at Saint Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists. After completing her B.A. at the University of Minnesota in 2011 Caitlin pursued further artistic training in Montréal and has performed with companies such as Cirque Mechanics, Apassionata and Cavalia.